Showing posts with label rolling thunder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rolling thunder. Show all posts

May 22, 2014

Rolling Thunder...

Hard to believe we're already in May and it's time for Rolling Thunder! I guess it's the way the weeks are falling in the calendar this year, it sure seems a lot earlier.

I'm looking forward to the weekend. It will be a nice ride with my son. I took him for the first time last year and he really enjoyed it. He's been talking about this year's ride ever since! He's been telling anyone that will listen that he's riding this weekend. Of course his statement about being on the motorcycle ride up for six hours doesn't make it sound appealing. I'm sure if I offered for him to stay comfortable at home he'd decline! I know it's not an easy ride for him, but I also know he really enjoys it.

Tomorrow morning we'll start our journey. We'll make it a leisurely trip without wasting too much time. That means tonight I need to run around making sure we have everything we need for the trip. I see my wife has already started gathering stuff for us. She's amazing!

May 1, 2014

Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month...

Today kicks off Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. Seems like a good time get back to updating this blog and to remind everyone watch out for motorcyclists. As we get past this grueling winter we've had and the weather gets nicer, we're going to start seeing more and more riders out on the road. Well, the hope is that we do *see* the riders.

May is also kind of the kick-off to my riding season. Not that I really ever stop riding for the year, it's just the first few organized events kick-off this month. Especially this year since I couldn't ride in the Cape Fear 1000.

It starts this weekend with the Ride for Kids. Our team, BBQ Brothers, has put a small chunk of change together, with more to come!! I'm thinking the weather will be nice. It will be good to share some time with my son. And, best of all, it's all for a good cause.

Towards the middle of the month, I'll be teaching, so that'll give me a chance to ride to/from class. Although I don't really need a reason to ride. Just need to do it!

The month will wrap up with Rolling Thunder. I'm really looking forward to that weekend. A chance to take a longer ride with my son and spend some time with him. And he really seems to enjoy it as well. I think he likes both the time out on the road riding as well as Rolling Thunder - what it stands for and what it means. This year we're even contemplating riding in it instead of just observing from the side. About the only thing that will change all that is if my wife decides to come along and ride instead. And I can't say I'd be disappointed if that happened. In fact, I think it would be great if she came along. Well just see what happens.

Nov 15, 2013

catching up...

time to do a little catching up from the summer. i had a number of good rides this summer but two really stand out. one i took with my wife to the mountains of north carolina and one with my son to rolling thunder in dc. i'll start with the ride to dc.

my son has been riding with me for a couple years now. most of the trips been short rides around town and around the lake. nothing more than maybe an hour in the seat or a hundred miles. earlier in the year, when i was returning my uncle's bike, he attempted to ride up to northern virginia. he didn't last long on that trip. i think that was mostly due to being a little tired and knowing he could hop in the car and be a little more comfortable.

the trip to northern virginia was considerably longer than any he has experienced before. and there was really no turning back once we hit the road. i talked to him about it, trying to prepare him but not discourage him from going on the trip.

the plan was to leave friday, take backroads and stop every hour. we'd stop long enough to stretch our legs, snack and rehydrate but not so long that we would lose too much time. luckily there were convenient stops along the way.

friday arrive and we started our journey. as planned, we stopped every hour. we played leap-frog with a club heading the same direction. we saw sights that you only see from a motorcycle. we did some smoke chasing. we stopped at 7-11 to get slurpees. we ended up having an awesome trip. and my son has already staked him claim to ride with me next year!!

pictures from our trip...

Sep 13, 2012

rolling thunder 2012 - 25th anniversary...

you may have noticed that i'm finally getting around to catching up on some older posts... this one, obvious from the title, is from rolling thunder this year - the 25th anniversary...

hanging out before the ride...

down in washington before the parade...

the parade...