Feb 29, 2012

international motorcycle show...

took a trip to the international motorcycle show in charlotte this weekend... a lot to see, a lot to do. lot of cool bikes - unfortunately i didn't get pictures of many of the bikes!!!

some older bikes that caught my attention

and some antique bikes that are still being driven around!!

took some time to watch the stunk show my the smage brothers. really cool show of their trials skills!!

took some time to listen to doug wothke's talk about his 'round the world adventures. very interesting. the way he talks, he makes it seem like a sunday ride around the park.

one other bike that caught my attention...

Feb 23, 2012

back home...

got the bike back from twin specialties today... no blemishes on the tank anymore and finally have all the repairs from the crash last year done!! wooohooo!! to make things even better, i was able to snag two more waffle houses on the way home!

Feb 5, 2012

bike's been at twin specialties getting the last repairs from the crash last year. obviously more cosmetic than anything else. i could have let it go, but dealing with the insurance company was such a beeeyotch i decided to press the issue.

should be getting the bike back this coming week. can't wait to get back on the road again, encouraging the wife to get on the back and pursue some great rides!! watch, now the real winter will arrive - just my luck...

Jan 27, 2012

easyriders show...

headed to the easyriders bike show in charlotte this weekend… compared to previous years, looks like attendance and vendors were down. although it could have been due to it being sunday. there was still plenty to see and check out…

top on my list this year was to see mushu suzie from widowmaker cdr. as always, i wasn’t disappointed… there’s something about a stripped down industrial design that grabs me. i love the looks and innovations on this bike.

something else that caught my attention was this motorcycle hammock from wiskybilt... it's all bolt on, no welding. breaks down into a pouch that will fit in a saddle bag. bet it would come in handy on some cross-country trips.

then is was on to the rest of the show... mike and angie from full throttle saloon were there...

some other bikes that caught my attention...

the trend in baggers these days seems to be large front tires. i didn't get  any more pictures, but almost every bagger i saw had this huge front tire...

and the little man high-fiving the geico lizard...

Jun 25, 2011

kind of hell...





working class choppers...


and so it begins...

May 2, 2011

I love my country...

helmet legislation for nc motorcyclists…

if you live in north carolina and you to choose whether or not you wear a helmet, now is the time to take action

house bill 392, permitting motorcyclists and passengers 18 and older to decide if they want to wear a helmet, was introduced march 17 and referred to the house transportation committee. the crossover date for the bill is may 12.

in an effort to help this happen, if you’re a north carolina resident, you should contact the committee chairs as well as your representative.

from the american motorcyclist association web site (linked above):

What is needed?

In order to advance, HB-392 must be called for consideration and passed out of the House Transportation Committee before the crossover deadline of May 12.

What can I do?

Contact the committee chairs to request HB-392 be taken up for consideration and voted favorably out of the House Transportation Committee.

How do I contact the committee chairs?

Rep. Frank Iler: 919-301-1450; email: Frank.Iler@ncleg.net

Rep. Grey Mills: 919-733-5741; email: Grey.Mills@ncleg.net

What should my message be?

Consider using the following talking points:

  • 30 states already allow adult motorcycle operators and passengers to make their own decision with regard to motorcycle helmet use
  • Motorcycle rider education and motorist awareness are the keys to reducing crashes involving motorcycles
  • As a responsible adult, I’m already making adult decisions regarding my personal protective equipment needs
  • Add any other personal reasons why motorcycling is important to you and why you feel that you, not the government, should make the decision regarding helmet use          

Remember, May 12 is the deadline for advancing HB-392 to the full House for consideration.  Take a few minutes NOW to make your voice heard on voluntary helmet use in North Carolina.

As a follow up, contact your representative to make your position known on voluntary motorcycle helmet use.  If your representative is already signed on to HB-392 as a primary or co-sponsor, say “thank you.”  If not, respectfully request he or she consider doing so.  Mention that as a constituent and registered voter, why this is an important issue to you.

Don’t know who your representative is?  Click here and enter your Zip code in the box under “Find Your Officials” to learn more.

get out and do your part…

Apr 2, 2011

amendment to end ban on youth motorcycles…

senator amy klobuchar recently introduced legislation, senate amendment 264, co-sponsored by senator jon tester, that would exempt youth off-highway vehicles from the consumer product safety improvement act (cpsia) of 2008.

call your senators and let them know you support sa 264. of course the american motorcyclist association is going to make this extremely easy for you. go to this form, enter your phone number and they’ll let you know who your senators are, how to contact them and some talking points.

the vote is supposed to take place this coming week so don’t waste any time contacting your senators.

Mar 4, 2011

mark your calendars…

on the heels of my last post and according to a rome news-tribune article, it looks like georgia is serious about setting up the motorcycle-only checkpoints. according to the article they have the budget to run six one-day checkpoints. about the only piece of good news to come out of this is the announcements of the date, times and locations for the first checkpoint:

  • wednesday, march 9, 8am-5pm; interstate 75, southbound commercial vehicle inspection station in monroe county
  • wednesday, march 9, 8am-5pm; interstate 95, southbound commercial vehicle inspection station in chatham county north of savannah

yesterday representative jim sensenbrenner (r-wi) introduced legislation to prohibit the secretary of transportation funding the motorcycle-only checkpoints. of course if you want to do something about it, head over to the ama web site, fill out the form and let your representative know how you feel…

Feb 22, 2011

daytona bike week…

with the daytona 500 behind us, we can start the countdown to bike week starting next weekend. are you planning on riding down there?? for once, the better option may be to trailer your bike!! that or detour around georgia through alabama to get there. why?? because georgia is planning to use some federal funds to set up motorcycle-only checkpoints during bike week.

according to this action alert from the ama, georgia might be taking new york’s lead in setting up motorcycle-only checkpoints. and as if that isn’t bad enough, they want to set them up during daytona bike week to target as many bikers as they can.

what can you do?? besides trailering your bike – which of course was only mentioned in jest. i, for one, would never suggest someone trailer their bike over riding. the best option is to follow the ama’s suggestion to contact governor deal. you can send him a prewritten letter. once you follow the link, click on the contact tab –> click on ‘web form’ (contact governor nathan deal via web form) –> select ‘please suspend grant to conduct motorcycle-only checkpoints’ and click next step. fill out your contact information and send it on its way.

the other option is to contact him directly from his web site. fill in the contact information, select ‘transportation’ for the category, and the message section. the ama suggests the text below for the message section. i also suggest leaving the ‘i just want governor deal to know my opinion so it will be counted’ unchecked. i know i want to get a response from him.

As a motorcyclist, I understand the Georgia Department of Public Safety was awarded a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to conduct a series of motorcycle-only checkpoints (MOCs). The NHTSA Motorcycle Law Enforcement Demonstrations grant is in the amount of $70,000 and Georgia is the only state to receive this grant for Fiscal Year 2010. I request that Georgia suspend the motorcycle-only checkpoint program until questions raised by the motorcycling community have been addressed.

Specifically, how do MOCs increase the safety of motorcyclists? Where does Georgia draw their authority to conduct MOCs? Will "probable cause" be required to stop a motorcycle under the terms of this grant program? If so, what will constitute "probable cause?" What types of infractions will be recorded by law enforcement officials at these traffic stops? What criteria will be used to measure the success of the MOCs? And, do states have the jurisdiction to inspect vehicles registered in another state?

Again, please suspend this program until questions raised by the motorcycling community have been addressed.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

hopefully with enough response no one will get hassled in georgia on their way to daytona… unless, of course, they deserve it!!

Feb 19, 2011

what a nice surprise....

sat down for dinner tonight (heart-shaped burgers handmade by my wonderful wife) to personalized place cards made by my daughter. yes, i shoulda been onna ride today... maybe tomorrow.

Feb 2, 2011

day late…

ever wonder where the time is going?? time just seems to be flying lately. i realized it’s already february when i went to pay some bills this morning. which reminded me i needed to flip my waffle house and bike calendars over to february.

this month the waffle house calendar is giving me a free sausage biscuit. i ran out of time to use the free coupon for bert’s chili last month. i’ll be sure not to make the same mistake this month. i also have a coupon for a free waffle and i think they’re giving away something for valentine’s day. if i play it right, i can probably feed the whole family for free!!

my bike calendar is a free calendar i got from an attorney pushing his business. the calendar is supposed to be one of these bikes and babes calendars. the only problem is the models aren’t really babes. i’m wondering where they found these models. out of twelve of them only one is halfway decent. i seriously considered just leaving my calendar on that month for the whole year.

the calendar got me to thinking that either bikers will settle or my standards are a bit higher. i was talking to my wife about the quality, or lack thereof, of the models in the calendar. i don’t even know that many people but i could probably put a better calendar together…