Jul 3, 2005

it's the little things in life...

i was very honored to be able to take my father-in-law out for a ride today...

some history first... as far as i know, my father-in-law has been riding bikes forever. a couple years ago he was pushed off the road by a truck and wrecked his bike - he was fine, thankfully. the bike is in pieces in his shed and he hasn't ridden since the wreck. i know he's had offers to ride other people's bike, but he just won't - and i don't know that i blame him. every time i see him, i offer for him to take my bike out for a spin...

so today i asked him if he wanted me to take him out for a ride... he lit up like a christmas tree and couldn't get in the house fast enough to get his helmet... so off we went - tooled over to his friends house and spent a couple minutes there. we were getting ready to leave and he comes over to me and requests a favor with that please, please, please look in his eyes. sure, what do you need?? he asks if we can take the long way home. hell yeah!!! anything for a longer ride.

anyway, what an honor it was to ride around with my father-in-law... he's a man i respect and look up to (most of the time). and i got to take him for a ride around town -0 how cool is that??

here we are as we're heading out...

i think it's motivated him to either fix up his bike or buy a new one. or both... i did tell him next time i want him riding next to me, not behind me!!!

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