Jul 3, 2006

usual sunday...

it was the usual sunday... woke up not so early on sunday - guess the weekend was catching up with me.

headed out on the bike to get the customary newspaper and some breakfast. but the morning's mission was a little different... i was on the hunt for a plain ol' sugar covered donut. my wife was having a craving for a sugar donut for breakfast. now that might sound pretty simple, but do you know how hard it is to find a plain, sugar covered donut?? our local donut shop, daylight donuts, doesn't have/make them. my big hope was on wal-mart... plus their donuts are a little bigger - it'd be great if they had them. but no, they don't have them either...

i call my wife from wal-mart asking if there might be anything else she would want for breakfast - she usually like the cheese filled danishes. but not this morning - she really wanted the sugar donut. she asks me to check out a new bread bakery that just opened - they might have them. so i ride over there, and pull up in front of their big glass windows. i can tell from the outside that i wasn't going to have any luck there. but if i just ride off, they'd probably have the prized donut!! so, i jump off the bike and stroll in... inside i find mostly bread, some cakes and bagels. and, believe it or not, some donuts!!! but all fancy donuts, nothing plain and simple like a sugar covered donut.

i head out of there... as i strap on my helmet, i notice how hot it's starting to get outside. at least how hot it's getting with a full face helmet and jacket. although the jacket is mesh, it still gets hot when you're not moving. now it's on to daylight donuts. i know they don't have the donut i want, but something is better than nothing, right?? i get over there - which was pretty much across the street from where i was... jump off the bike and head in to get my donuts. now the tough part - what would my wife want?? no sugar covered donuts, so i have to find something she'd like. figuring that if i get one of just about everything, there would be something in there she likes. maybe not something he wants, but something she likes...

i pack up my donuts and head home... of course, being disappointed i couldn't find the donut i wanted, my mind keeps searching, wondering where i can find this mythical donut. i know i've seen them before, but where?? i'm riding home and, as a last ditch effort, i pull into lowes grocery store. maybe, just maybe... i head over to the donut cabinet... and... nada, nothing, zilch, zippo... at least for the sugar covered donut. they had plenty of other selection, but not the sugar covered donut. disappointed, i headed home with a selection of assorted donuts that didn't contain a sugar cover donut... bummer...

i guess this week's mission will be to find a place that sells the rare sugar covered donut. if anyone in the wake forest area knows of an establishment that sells sugar covered donuts, please let me know...

other than that, it was a good ride. a little warmer that i would have liked, but i guess that's because of all the stops i made. plus the jacket. which makes me question my decision to always wear long sleeve protective gear. to this point, i haven't been able to not wear the jacket. but we also haven't gotten to the hottest part of the summer... we'll see if i hold to it or not...

ride on...

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