Oct 15, 2007

3rd annual rally in raleigh...

went to the rally in raleigh a couple weekends ago... was a lot of fun. nice to see the event getting bigger. this year it was as big as the first and second years put together. there was talk of closing even more streets next year if it was big enough this year. that would be nice to see...

we left the dealership and headed over to the rally - normally a three minute trip stretched to about fifteen with all the bikes and confusion getting in... i think the original plan was to ride down fayetteville street and snake around to moore square, where the opening ceremonies were taking place. however, people started parking on fayetteville street as soon as they got there, choking the road for everyone else that was following... seemed a little odd, but the ride to start the rally was lead by one of dale jr.'s race cars. guess if i was more of a nascar fan, there'd be more of an ooohhh and aaahhh factor.

lots to see and a lot to do at the rally this year. one of the first things to catch my eye, both because of the bike and he was parked next to me was this 1947 harley. well, it wasn't just a 1947, more like mostly a 1947. the guy was real proud to talk about his bike, the miles he's put on it and the work he's put into it to keep it on the road. he's had it coast-to-coast several times and hasn't had any problems with it. of course with the amount of work he has to put into the bike to keep it running, he might not consider it broken down were the rest of us might... anyway, as with any old harley work its weight in gold, after about ten minutes sitting, there was a pool of oil forming...

another bike that immediately caught my eye was "plan b" from widow maker custom design and repair. this is the guy the build the gold school bike i liked at the first rally... i talked to hank for a couple minutes, found out he had taken it down to the smoke out this year. love his work - will have to check out his shop some time...

also talked to a marine what served two tours in iraq... thank you very much, by the way... apparently he had a sportster and his dad decided to trade it in to show his appreciation for what his son was doing. his son didn't know anything about what his dad was doing. when he returned from his second tour, his dad told him they had a problem with his sportster to lure him into the dealership. at the dealership, packed with family and friends, his dad gave him the bike. as you can see, it's been customized as a tribute to the marines and the six fellow soldiers from his unit that never returned... very interesting guy to talk to - very humble, very giving. we spoke to him for quite a while. if we had more people in this world like him, it would be a much better place... if you look closely at the picture of the derby cover, you can see the names of his six buddies that never came home...

while wandering around the rally, saw the new victory vision...

ray price and his new rider were giving out autographs...

the hero bike from homes for the troops...

various pics from the bike show... i don't know that this first "bike" should have been in the show - it was more like a three wheel car than a motorcycle.but the judges will decided that, huh?? seems like skulls were the theme this year...

not sure if this guy entered the "bike" show... guess he's a cool cat, huh??

other pics from the rally...

i guess if i was going to join a motorcycle club, this would definitely be one of the patches...

Oct 12, 2007

'nother sunday ride...

decided to take a ride sunday afternoon... actually, hemmed and hawed long enough sunday morning, that i couldn't take a longer ride. was originally thinking of riding out to one of the lighthouses - by the time i figured out where i wanted to go, it was too late to head out and get back at a reasonable hour... so i decided to make the usual loop around the lake. that would give me a couple hours out and still get me home at a reasonable time...

also decided to take one of the kids with me. was thinking about how nice it would be to be able to take the whole family out riding - unfortunately that's not an option when there's one passenger seat on the bike. i was thinking even if my wife starts riding, we won't have enough seats. but, maybe by the time she starts riding, the oldest will have his own bike and he'll be able to ride with us... add in my father-in-law, brother and his crew and we'll have our own poker run!!!

so, with son on back, we head out... didn't get too far before making our first stop - at a neighbor's house. husband was mowing the lawn and wife was cleaning the gutters. it didn't take them long to decide they'd rather be riding.

off we went... i usually make a counter-clockwise loop around the lake. decided to mix it up a little and go clockwise... it's amazing how different the sites are in the other direction. i saw buildings i've passed many times before but never noticed. and even though i've ridden these particular roads many times, it was like a new ride this time.

we stopped at a new place my neighbor's discovered on their last trip out. on past rides, i've always wanted to stop in virgilina to see what's there - i've just never taken the time. well, this was going to be the time. we decided to stop and grab a bit to eat at gatrell's. not really sure how to describe the place... it seems to have an odd collection of items available - a restaurant/bar, a tack and feed store, looks like they also sell western wear. it definitely looks like it could be a fun place. they have live bands, the have a classic car event the first saturday of each month (as i recall) and they're already planning their christmas party - what's not too like??

we grabbed a quick bite to eat - the food was very good. then again, i had a hot dog - how can you screw that up?? everyone seemed to enjoy their food. i can definitely see myself coming back to this place...

after eat, we jumped back on the bikes and headed home - the long way of course. what a beautiful day for a ride. temps were perfect, skies were an awesome blue with big puffy white clouds. what a great day... most of all, it was particularly nice to ride along with my son. we had a good time and i look forward to more rides with him... i've been talking to him about taking a couple days and riding along the blue ridge parkway - maybe he'll take me up on the offer one day...

until next time...

Oct 11, 2007

patriot ride...

this year's rally in raleigh charity ride was the patriot ride for support our troops... without trying to turn this into a debate about whether the war is right or wrong, whether we should be there or not, whether you agree or not, the least we can do for the men and women is give them our support...

this year's ride was heading out to the nc national guard armory and checking out some helicopters. on the surface, the ride may not seem as "cool" as last year's ride to the beer distributor and the caterpillar plant. but i figured it was a small way i could help support our troops - as well as get out of a day's work and ride the bike!!!

the ride itself was fairly uneventful - mostly highway to and from the armory, but there is something cool about having a police escort and the right-of-way. and being in a pack of two hundred fifty plus bikes. i must have been in the middle somewhere because at times, as far as i could see in front and behind there was nothing but a sea of bikes. hell, i couldn't even see the limo leading the ride.

we get to the armory and they have this big spread of food for us... after eating, they give us a little "talk" on how our support helps the troops and other things we can do to help out... then it was off to see the helicopters. pretty neat seeing those us close - especially the blackhawk we've all heard so much about.

in the end, the ride was a lot better than i thought it would be. it may not have seemed to rank that high on the "cool" scale, but looking back, it really was a great ride. put me a little more in touch with what our troops do for us and what we can do to help thank and repay them... one of the ways is to get a license plate for your car...

anyway - on to some pictures from the ride...

Oct 8, 2007

more billy lane...

looks like billy lane's attorneys are hard at work trying to get him out of his trouble - but i guess that's what they're supposed to do... they're saying his illegally taken blood samples are tainted...

from the picture included with the article, it looks like billy is trying to clean up his image... probably not a bad thing to do. as we all know, people put a lot of weight into first impressions. his old image probably wasn't a good one for appearing in courtrooms. i wonder if this is a deeper sign that he's changing himself too. we all make mistakes - some carrying more seriousness than others. the key to recovering from mistakes is to take responsibility, learn and minimize the changes of making the same mistake again... time will tell where billy heads from here...
